Study day hosted by CREAD (Algeria)
Migrants in Host Countries- Socio-economic aspects: Case of Algeria
27 نوفمبر، 2023
As part of the activities of the MADAR network, CREAD, an Algerian partner of the network, organized a study day entitled "Migrants in Host Countries'. Socio-economic aspects -Case of Algeria", on 21 November 2023 in Algiers. Professor LABDELAOUI Hocine was the honoured guest for the event.

The objective of this study day was to bring together actors working on the issue of migration, academicians, and researchers from different Algerian Universities: SETIF 2, ORAN1, OUARGLA, ALGIERS 3, ALGIERS 2, CREAD, representatives of associations: NADA NETWORK, SARP, APCS, and representatives of the international organization for migration in Algeria, IOM. The study day was marked by debates, discussions, and exchanges of ideas on various aspects related to migrants in Algeria and their access to health care, work, education, university, and psychological care.
The speakers' valuable contributions made the day successful and promising for future networks and collaborations between academics and civil society regarding migration.
The study-day was facilitated by Soumia BOUCHOUK, research engineer at CREAD, coordinator at MADAR Network.
Please click here to read a full summary of the workshop and presentations.