CREAD Work Package
MADAR partner in Algeria, Research Center in Applied Economics for Development (CREAD), led a study on migrants’ integration in Algeria’s informal economy from May to June 2022.
The aim of the research was to understand how migrants, including those who are forcibly displaced integrate into the informal economy of the host country. The study also examined the reasons behind migration, the risks incurred on the migratory route, and the perception of the host and final destination countries.
The team included researchers in sociology, statistics, political science, communication, and economics, as well as civil society actors and artists. 33 interviewees were involved in the study, including 24 migrants and 9 decision-makers.

Photo of a Sub-Saharan migrant's cobbler's table on Bab El Oued Street in Algiers
Click here to read a booklet of short stories based on interviews from the research.