MADAR has funded six Work Packages, which address MADAR’s research themes and aim to have a transformational impact on the humanitarian protection of vulnerable, displaced people across the Maghreb region.

Racines Work Package

MADAR Network partner Racines aisbl carried out a Work Package on migration challenges in Morocco.

The outputs of the work package include a documentary film about the daily life of migrants in Morocco and a research study on the context of migration and its legal framework within the country.

Racines also held a workshop for media and journalists in partnership with SENICAR and Réseau Marocain des Journalistes des Migrations.

AMI Work Package

MADAR Network partner organisation AMI (led by Prof. Mehdi Lahlou) conducted an in-depth analysis of Moroccan migration laws and policies since 2003 as part of a MADAR funded Work Package. The researchers also carried out one hundred interviews with relevant stakeholders in four regions of Morocco. The research took place between 2021 and 2022.

Étude exploratoire : Soutien et migration au Maroc

Au cours de l'année 2021, MADAR a entrepris une étude exploratoire sur la migration, la protection humanitaire et les actes de solidarité au Maroc.

La recherche, qui a été menée entre novembre 2021 et mars 2023, a consisté en 28 entretiens semi-structurés, un groupe de discussion et trois études de cas approfondies sur plusieurs sites au Maroc. L'analyse des résultats s'articule autour d'un rapport et d'une série d'articles de blog destinés au grand public. En tant qu'étude exploratoire, le projet a également mis en évidence un certain nombre de questions importantes pour orienter les futures recherches sur le sujet.

APCS Work Package

The Association for AIDS Protection (APCS), a recipient of a research grant from MADAR, conducted a study in 2022 focused on the reproductive health rights of sub-Saharan migrant women in Algeria. The study, commissioned by MADAR, employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative (electronic questionnaires) methods, involving 500 women and 9 focus groups.