Workshop on Arts-based participatory methods in migration research
Prof. Mariangela Palladino and Rajaa Essaghyry were invited by the Institute of Sociology at the The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany) to deliver a talk on participatory methods in the context of migration research
July 6, 2023

Prof. Mariangela Palladino (Keele University - United Kingdom) and Rajaa Essaghyry (Racines aisbl- Morocco) were invited by the Institute of Sociology at the The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany) to deliver a talk on Arts-based participatory methods in the context of migration research.
The workshop brought together community- and university-based researchers to exchange experiences, learn about each other’s projects and engage in discussions about methodological aspects and developments focusing on arts-based participatory methods.
During the workshop, Mariangela Palladino and Rajaa Essaghyry outlined the migration and forced displacement landscapes within the Maghreb, particularly in Morocco. They then shared MADAR’ s approach to research in migration and displacement and how arts-based methodologies are deployed in MADAR’s work (e.g. Boza! in Morocco) and previous projects (‘Arts for Advocacy’). The presentation also included a discussion on the challenges encountered along the way and lessons learned. The workshop ended with a Q&A session with the audience.
The event took place in Munich (at "Eine-Welt-Haus"), on July 6 and 7, 2023. It was organised by: LMU Institute of Sociology (Prof. Hella von Unger) in cooperation with Dr. Annette Korntheuer (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) and Dr. Matthias Otten (University of Applied Sciences)