Racines Work Package
MADAR Network partner Racines aisbl carried out a Work Package on migration challenges in Morocco.
The outputs of the work package include a documentary film about the daily life of migrants in Morocco and a research study on the context of migration and its legal framework within the country.
Racines also held a workshop for media and journalists in partnership with SENICAR and Réseau Marocain des Journalistes des Migrations.

The study presents an assessment of the National Immigration and Asylum Strategy (SNIA) in Morocco, providing a migration profile in the country, including key indicators related to the presence of migrants. The study also provides an assessment of the implementation of the SNIA, highlighting its promises and limitations. Finally, it makes a series of recommendations for the various stakeholders involved in this issue: Moroccan and European authorities, Moroccan civil society, international organizations, researchers, and the media.
Author: Salaheddine Lemaizi
Click here to read the report in French Politique Migratoire au Maroc and click here for the Arabic version Politique Migratoire au Maroc (arabic)
BOZA Film:
Racines Aisbl directed and produced a documentary film as part of their Work Package.
“Barnes, Joel and Abdou leave their respective countries in search of a dignified life.
On the road, they realize that their adventure towards the European “El Dorado” was not so simple. In the meantime, they find themselves confronted with unexpected events. Fear, rejection, hope and resilience.. The many faces of the migratory adventure! »
Link to watch the film trailer:
The official release date will be announced soon. Stay tuned!
Workshop for Journalists on Migration and Forced Displacement, Casablanca
Click here to read a post about the workshop